
Diabetes Symptoms - Recognizing Them Early

When I was growing up, my mother feared that I had diabetes, I was one of the lucky ones and it passed me by, however my mother was smart to watch for diabetes symptoms.

Diabetes Statistics: Approximately 8% of the population in the United States has diabetes. This has increased by over 13% from 2005 to 2007; we must recognize the diabetes symptoms if we're going to gain the upper hand on diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes, previously known as insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset, occurs when the body own immune system destroys pancreatic beta cells. These are the body's only mechanism to generate insulin naturally and regulate our blood sugar.

Type 2 diabetes, previously known as non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset, is the largest section of diabetes suffers, account for over 90% of all cases. This type of diabetes occurs when our body begins to develop a resistance to insulin.

This type of diabetes is closely associated with.

  • Older age
  • Obesity
  • Family history
  • Physical inactivity, and
  • Race/ethnicity

Speaking in general terms, diabetes is what happens when there are high levels of glucose in your bloodstream. In someone who has a normal and healthy pancreas, insulin is produced naturally, allowing the body's blood sugars to be properly regulated. Conversely, if the pancreas does not operate effectively, the body does not generate enough insulin, and the body may develop diabetes.

While this is not a definitive list, a very short list of diabetes symptoms would be...

An overwhelming hunger, coupled with an almost debilitating thirst
The urge to urinate quite frequently
Being very tired or fatigue for no apparent reason

If you're experiencing any of these diabetes symptoms that doesn't necessarily mean you've contracted diabetes, it does mean you should consult with your doctor or health care professional and take a glucose tolerance test, which should indicate conclusively whether you have diabetes. Remember that diabetes symptoms are an indication, not necessarily a statement that you have diabetes.

For the purposes of this article will assume someone has Type 1 diabetes and that you've consulted your doctor. Normally this treated with a strict dietary regimen, regular exercise and suggested weight loss, coupled with insulin prescribed by your doctor.

Type 2 diabetes is in most cases less severe, can often be treated with a sound dietary regimen, exercise and weight loss without the need for insulin. While initially that may seem much the same as Type 1, insulin is normally not required. This type of diabetes is also known as Late-Onset Diabetes, possibly because it normally occurs in those of middle or elderly age.

If you're a parent and have a child showing diabetes symptoms, they could be experiencing juvenile onset diabetes, and an immediate doctor's visit is strongly recommended.


You feel very thirsty and find yourself urinating, much more often than normally.
You become nauseous, for no apparent reason, and this happens more than once.
Weight loss has become an issue, and you're unsure why you've lost weight.
Your breathing has changed, and you notice your breathing deeper and more rapidly than before.
Your breath smells very strange, and even brushing your teeth are gargling with mouthwash, it's only a temporary solution.
You find that your vision has become blurred, possibly you feel weak and tired, and you're thinking is not as clear as it should be.
You notice that your coordination is not as good as it should be.
You have a small cut that simply won't heal.

People can and do live with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, however early detection is the key to health and longevity. If you or someone close has been displaying diabetes symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Recognizing Diabetes Symptoms [http://diabetessymptoms.abctips.org/] could spell the difference in the quality of your life. For more information about Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms [http://abctips.org/blog2/2008/11/15/type-2-diabetes-symptoms/], please visit our site. We're dedicated to keeping you informed.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

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